The DMCA Protection Extra provides you with a Peace of Mind.

Never Pay Again for a Takedown on the Same Website!

Very often when content has been taken down with a successful notice it may be re-posted on the same site. Content thieves may do this because they are familiar with the website uploading process and website will allow repeat offenders.
Protection Extra means you don't pay again to get that same content taken off the same website.

Once has successfully removed content from an infringing website through our Professionally Managed Takedown service. You can add the Protection EXTRA on to your takedown notice case for the yearly service of $500.00


What does the purchase of the DMCA Protection EXTRA do for you?

  1. Free content removal from the SAME site with SAME host
  2. 10% off the Professionally Managed Takedown service fee for removal from a SAME website
  3. 10% off the Professionally Managed Takedown service fee for removal from a SAME host
  4. 20% off the Professionally Managed Takedown service fee for removal from a NEW website
  5. 20% off the Professionally Managed Takedown service fee for removal from a NEW host

Click here to add Protection EXTRA to your case: [email protected] or add a case comment in your successful case!


This service must be purchased within five (5) business days of your closed success paid takedown case in order to be eligible and applied to your current takedown case.

Maximum of 10 takedown notices / cases per year.

Not eligible for non-compliant or non-standard takedowns.

Common Questions:

Q: What if I have multiple cases I want covered?
A: We would be happy to provide you with a quotation based on the number of cases and new content that will need to be covered.

Q: What if find my content is reposted, can I purchase the DMCA Extra Protection?
A: No. The DMCA Extra Protection is essentially an insurance policy and is required to be purchased once your content was initially removed. You have 5 business days to purchase DMCA Protection EXTRA.

Q: How do I purchase the DMCA Extra Protection?
A: Upon receiving your email stating your case has been successfully closed, please respond that you would like to purchase the DMCA Extra Protection. An invoice will be generated and sent to you for payment. Please note to apply DMCA Extra Protection to your case this must be purchased within 5 business days or the offer will be invalid.

Q: Can I add the DMCA Extra Protection to my Protection Pro DIY Case?
A: No. This service is only eligible for Professionally Managed Cases.

Start Takedown Monitoring here:
Modified: 01/18/2023
Category: Frequently Asked Question
By: Mr. DMCA Helper
FAQ ID:870b4e26-283f-4596-bc6f-15a96f862edb
AMP Version of this content is available.AMP URL: